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Thursday 22 October 2015

17 ways to bring the zing back .to your life !!!.

Hey there my dearies hope you have been keeping good and strong , sometimes its not so easy as said  to keep going on without any great moments of our own . Hey so what ! we don't have to wait eternally for the big moment of our lives do we now . We just have to create that moment for ourselves as simple as that ...
And so I just started penning down these fantastic ways to add that lessened zing back to our overly hectic yet beautiful lives . As we keep on going and going no matter what and just forget all about our precious selves. Take a look at this and decide how its going to be for you.... a whole list of things to do and no we are not paying a single penny from our pocket to buy that zing back ....

1.Just Dress Up - in your favourite  clothes , don't have to wait for that special occasion or special someone. My dear you are special aren't you for yourself. No don't have to wait till tomorrow right now is the best time ...

2. Meet a dear friend - meeting your friend whom you haven't since long can really do wonders to you as you immerse yourself into all those beautiful memories all over again . Try it !!!

3.Write to yourself - a letter , a note , a thought or anything like a poem if you can . It makes you realise that you need to take time out and care for your beautiful self ... yes you do !!!

4. Make a long distant call- to your aunt , uncle , cousin or someone close to you but now far away . Once you hear that voice after so many months , weeks or days you feel alive and happy for knowing more about that person and sharing what you have been upto , really it works pretty well to feel good

5. Cook yourself a great meal - no matter if you are not the world's best chef , hey so who cares but you can cook to , remember that serial on t.v yeah . Cooking can be a great to lift your spirits even if the preparation doesn't come out the way you imagined its ok ...

6. Watch an old favourite movie - again , yes watching it all over again is fun reliving those moments you enjoyed so much , makes us feel good yeah !!!

7. Read - something new or that favourite novel of yours - can be fun just lie the first time  you read it .

8.Visit a historical monument / place - have you discovered that historical monument in your city do visit it , it can bring that stillness back in our lives especially when the routine is so damn hectic . This is like a breather .The place may not be that crowded like a mall or a supermarket . So you can have all the peace around . Do click pics .. just for fun .

9. Donate old stuff- books , clothes , usable items . Giving can be so satisfying and making you feel wow .. as you have just made someone in need happy ...

10.Sleep to your heart's desire - sleeping and more of it can do wonders to your sweet self . Week days can be so tiring now is the time to cover up for all that lost sleep . Turn offthe cell phones and draw the curtains just hit the bed ... wake up as fresh as ever to say new cheers to life ..

11. Do a little pilgrimage to your local temple around - visit at a time when the aarti or prayers are on as being there with so many others bring that solace back , humming the prayers together can give us a sense of not alone but bonded closer to God.

12. Adopt a stray pet / tree - this can be rejuvenating as looking after it everyday , feeding it , watering it be it any ways , can make us feel good and bring a sense of joy of caring for them . With no one finding faults .

13. Clean that clutter - that has gathered up in your cupboard , and around you . Once you have done the job you are going to pat your back , trust me , you will and realise it was oh so simple to breathe in a clean clutter free place ...

14. Walk or cycle around your locality - get a little more familiar with it , one realises there are so many things one never know about , or looked at , also you end up burning calories my dear especially after all that sleep ...

15. Share a goodie - with thy neighbour , yes my dearie your neighbour you have neglected poor them for so long but not any more as once you share some goodie with them you shall see the difference in the return that you get from them , And here starts a new friendship all over again ...

16. Visit the local supermarket / vegetable market - don't just ordered every thing from home . Otherwise how would you actually know whats selling great in the market and whats in demand . Sometimes we can discover a new or never tried veggie or fruit and find out we really enjoyed it till the last bit .

17. Call friends over - and treat them with the best you can . It doesn't have to be perfect no one is , so all that you bought from the local market can be put to good use and leave you with beautiful moments until you get back to it again ...

And so my dearies here we come to the end of it as  quite a bit of it to do for now , yes and send me your feedback   on which one was your pick of the seventeen to do things . Write to me at or my facebook page - The best comment shall be in for a surprise of goodie .....

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